Eleanor “Ruby” Cramer

The Eat to Thrive program opened my eyes to the raw vegan lifestyle. I learned a myriad of recipes that are not only raw and vegan but delicious, quick, and easy. Another component of the course that I loved was the emphasis on the mind-body connection. I’ve found the corroboration between physical and mental energy to be enlightening; simply trying to smile more and be positive has already had an effect on my relationships with myself and my loved ones. The pay-as-you-can aspect of Eat to Thrive makes it extremely accessible and welcoming to all; it’s rare to find such a generous business and woman like Betsy Bragg. I encourage everyone to take this course and learn about the Hippocrates lifestyle!

Jess Jianos

Jess Jianos

I joined Eat to Thrive because I was intrigued by what living a raw plant-based lifestyle looks like! Through this experience, I learned an abundance of meditations, mindfulness activities, mouth-watering recipes, and stories shared by participants and guest speakers!  Every week brought something new to the table and I always left the class feeling hopeful and excited to try whatever was shared! Thank you to Betsy, the guest speakers, and everyone else that I was able to share this experience with!

Linda Glazer

I have been interested in the Eat to Thrive course for a while but it never seemed to be the right time until this summer for a couple of reasons. The affordability of the class, easy access through zoom, and Betsy’s encouragement to take it to “plant a seed” even if it felt like the amount of material seemed daunting, gave me the courage to sign up.

I have pursued wholistic health much of my life. I studied shiatsu, polarity, macrobiotics, Ayurveda, and yoga. All has been a wonderful part of my path. I am also drawn to adventures and easily become unbalanced. Sleep, osteopenia, and borderline blood sugar issues have resulted in weight gain and a few medications I would like to reduce or eliminate.

Idealistically I thought I could follow all the guidance over the 10-week course but realistically I understand that a lifetime of habitual patterns is not likely to disappear so quickly. I still eat foods that are not the most healthful but I am making progress in self-care and have learned so much.

My successes include doing the homework and showing up each week, trying a new raw food recipe weekly (and also sharing it with friends), demonstrating a recipe for my classmates, speaking with my buddy weekly, and increasing my exercise. The presenters have been excellent, personable, caring, and informative.

Betsy’s support and encouragement have helped me to continue to be optimistic about incorporating healthy habits, be gentle with myself, and have a sense of humor on a daily basis. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to find healthy lifestyle alternatives in a compassionate, non-judgmental environment.