Sadie DiSimone

Sadie DiSimone

With some of the delicious food served at every Eat to Thrive class. The Eat to Thrive 10-week course has been interesting, thought-provoking, and insightful on many levels. Eating whole foods, plant-based, unprocessed diet and living with gratitude and mindfulness is key to gaining optimal health. Your class demonstrated that very thoroughly through the many personal testimonials and videos. Betsy has been an utter joy, an ideal role model for turning one’s life around, and a patient teacher.

Marcia Passos

Marcia Passos

Participating in the “Eat to Thrive” course helped me in my journey to becoming healthier. I developed good habits such as skin brushing; oil pulling; green juicing; and drinking lemon water. I am consuming more raw vegetables and sprouts than I did before. I also learned new raw food recipes. When I started the course, I was eating animal protein every day with meals; however, I have now changed my diet to almost entirely vegetable proteins. I became more conscious of how unhealthy animal foods are. There are many things I liked about the course, but what I liked most was the knowledge I gained about detoxification, especially the liver and gallbladder cleanse. I will be able to do it on myself when necessary. With the knowledge I gained, I will be able to help people to improve their health, including my husband and daughter. I feel blessed to have had this learning experience.

Rich McDonough

Rich McDonough

Richard MdDonough

Rich McDonough took a step-by-step approach to healthy eating and is well on his way to his lifetime goal of better health.

I’m a 10%ter. As long as I’m improving 10% at a time, that’s progress. I don’t do “Cold Turkey!” So far, the main benefit has been the education aspect of the class. Change begins with awareness. I’ve cut salt out of my diet, made it a habit to eat one green item per day, and incorporated better health as one of my lifetime goals.

Theresa Drum

Theresa Drum

Thersa Drum

Theresa Drum (r) is using her Eat to Thrive education to better herself physically and spiritually.

My main objective for taking this class a second time has been to commit to a deeper sense of mindfulness around my wellbeing, so I may share this with others. I have noticed how I eat, when I am taking too much on in my life. When I choose to move through life at a calm vibration, I notice I am eating mostly raw vegetables. I have tried some new recipes as well. I also committed to listening to the videos repeatedly. I have done this. I have made new habits: daily green juice, lemon water, dehydrating crackers, daily yoga at the gym, oil pulling & meditating. Some of these habits I created in the last class and over time stopped doing them. I also am very aware of the pace at which I’m moving through space. It’s slower and more deliberate. It feels calmer. The biggest shift has been in my breath & choosing nose breathing, even in yoga.

I liked all of the great information Betsy shares with us on her laptop. I love the diverse group of speakers that join us; the topics are all interesting. I especially enjoyed the one on essential oils.


Louise Kulig

Louise Kulig

Taking your class for the second time was great, as there were many things that I just didn’t absorb the first time! I think the class really appreciated having a real chef doing the food demos! That was a wonderful treat. I loved watching the videos, as they were both informative and inspiring. The best part was meeting more like-minded people who want a healthier body, community, and world! Your course provides the foundation, framework, and information to make it happen!