Diane Sugrue

Diane Sugrue


My name is Diane Sugrue.  I am 60 years old.  I met Betsy Bragg in 2014 and joined the class:  “Eat to Thrive”.  I was looking to improve my eating habits and to lose some weight.  The class was amazing! I lost 20 lbs. during the 10 week course, and an additional 15 lbs. that year.  More importantly, I looked and felt 20 years younger!  Taking this class and going vegan was the best thing I have ever done for myself.  It is five years later and I still feel amazing.  I have taken the class a total of 5 times, I learn something new each session.  I truly enjoyed meeting my fellow students. Everyone has been very special.  Betsy is a good friend and an excellent teacher!

Susan Baxter

Susan Baxter

Susan BaxterIn one of the Hippocrates Health Institute’s publications, I read Betsy Bragg’s story and learned she was teaching a certified class in New England. Betsy offers love and encouragement to everyone who wants to explore eating for optimal health and also encourages people to grow holistically, including the emotional and spiritual sides of “healthy living.”

Betsy has food demonstrations with every class and invites guest speakers to share their particular experiences with embracing a living-foods lifestyle. Along with weekly videos and readings from Betsy’s comprehensive, one can get an excellent overview of the HHI approach to a holistically healthy lifestyle, enjoy great living food with the weekly potlucks, and enjoy support and camaraderie with fellow classmates.

The personal highlight of the class for me was doing an eleven-day green-juice fast. First of all, I didn’t think I could do it! But the days just flowed and it fell at a point in the course (week seven) that I totally understood what and why I was doing it. I never felt hungry (as I had feared!) and classmates who participated were totally supportive of each other. I am thankful for the experience of taking the course, Betsy’s shared wisdom, and being more grounded in living a Hippocrates-influenced lifestyle.

Julianna Burke

Julianna Burke

Every week was exciting for me; I thoroughly enjoyed reading Betsy’s Eat to Thrive book, learning new concepts, tasting new recipes, and listening to amazing guest speakers that were educational, insightful and fascinating.I plan to teach my own class as a health educator in the future and I feel as though I have the education and skills to do this now. I really enjoyed meeting new people that I feel so close to, and I feel as though doors have opened up for me because of this amazing opportunity. I am committed to nourishing my body, mind, and spirit and to help others do the same.

Nancy Rice

Nancy Rice

Exercising, meditating, and mind balancing is a way I’ve come to realize our potential in healing ourselves. Since adopting this new lifestyle, I have overcome a long battle with Eczema. Coming to Betsy’s lovely home is a welcoming oasis for all her students. You are greeted with her captivating smile, tea, and fresh alkaline water. Soon you become entranced in her kitchen for making delicious entrees, desserts, and appetizers.

Sitting down to a beautiful array of fresh vegetables, fruit, salads, flaxseed crackers, kale chips is heartwarming good nutrition that feeds the soul. Eat to Thrive is a fantastic environment for like-minded people to meet on their healing journey together.”

Paulo Vicentini

Paulo Vicentini

The liver gallbladder flush changed my life, ridding me of terrible parasites and gallstones. As a result of the cleanse, my energy, brain functions, mood, and everything in my body feels great! Growing sprouts and wheatgrass, fermenting vegetables, and juicing greens are now highlights of my new lifestyle. Take Eat to Thrive to be your own doctor and experience the great life that Mother Nature has given you”.