Tina Little Steenson-Bech Testimonial

Tina Little Steenson-Bech Testimonial

Eat to Thrive – A Transforming Experience

Over the last ten weeks, I have learned that awareness is the first step to prevention and healing. I needed awareness; both of my parents had just passed away due to heart disease and nutrient deficiency. I was headed there too unless I changed my habits which I was able to do through the Eat to Thrive program.

 My goals when I started the program were to learn better nutritional habits particularly with snacks, incorporate healthy plant-based meals each week, and gain simple habits that I could teach to my high school students. In ten weeks, I was able to do that and learn so much more. This experience for me has been life changing. For the first time in my many years, I’m learning the value of good nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and love. This awareness has brought confidence, and a sense of well-being and happiness.

When I reflect on the Eat to Thrive program. I think of the quote, by Benjamin Franklin, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Throughout this program, I was immersed in and practiced new healthy habits. I left my comfort zone to lead a mindfulness minute and teach a class on dehydrating. Instead of fried chips, I now love dehydrated crackers, kale chips, and dehydrated fruit. I tried sprouts, wheatgrass, and juicing, both of which now are part of my weekly practice.

I’m incredibly thankful to the wonderful people I’ve met through this course and especially to Betsy Bragg who is a wonderful mentor and inspiration.

Cristina Steensen-Bech

Cambridge, MA

April 10, 2022

Peter Cutler Testimonial

Peter Cutler Testimonial

My goals were to have less physical pain from an SI injury, which has happened. I am healing rapidly and now hiking for at least 2 hours which helps a lot. I also wanted to have less of the Essential Tremor which is a little less but still may be progressive. And I wanted to further refine my diet and use regular wheat grass instead of or in addition to the Dynamic Greens frozen wheat grass which I am doing. I do mix the wheat grass with celery juice when I juice it as the full taste is a bit strong for me. 

Overall health is definitely better. I have recovered fully from Covid and am back at the gym interval training, weights, stretching, swimming and hiking for between two and three hours three times a week. I alternate the hiking with the gym for two hours. It’s great to feel healthy again. And also I learned a lot from being sick. I have not been used to the experience of feeling sick for some time now. 

Still cancer free after 22 years now. 

So this diet and lifestyle is truly the way of health and nothing else even comes close. If we don’t live in a healthy way we are very unlikely to be healthy. 


Thank you, Betsy,


Peter Cutler

Zen Monk, Artist, Teacher

Helping birth the awakened consciousness.


Marni Lee Jensen Testimonial

Marni Lee Jensen Testimonial

I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of Betsy’s Blessed 10 week Eat to Thrive Program. It has been a beautiful journey packed with an abundance of wisdom, like-minded individuals that feel like family, amazing buddies for added support and fabulous speakers that spoke from the heart with passion, inspiration and immense wisdom. Week 9 impacted me the most, when cancer survivors courageously came forward and told their stories of conquering cancer and living with cancer. It was the spark in each and every one of them that really touched me deep, a spark of NEVER giving up, Believing, and Trusting in their Heart. This unique program is balanced in such a beautiful way that it has impacted my journey in so many positive uplifting ways, connecting me deeper to my own Body, Mind and Spirit, most importantly paying attention to my mind and my thoughts. Each chapter in this program feels like a chapter of my own life transforming to a greater state of health. Believing in myself, and most importantly trusting in the process and following through with my goals was key. A warm thank-you to Betsy for crafting this entire program herself, facilitating it, coordinating everything so seamlessly and always coming to class with stories of inspiration of her own journey. Your dedication and devotion to this program is a true gift. With Warmth, Love and Light, Marni-LeeMarni Lee Jensen

Cheryl Lee Gilbert

Cheryl Lee Gilbert

I found the Eat to Thrive program extremely informative. I learned a lot about plant-based living and now have a greater appreciation of the benefits of this lifestyle. I also found the discussions on the importance of exercise and meditation invaluable. Thank you, Betsy for facilitating such a great and much needed program. – Cheryl Lee Gilbert (2022)