I feel so truly blessed to have been a part of this purely magical Raw Food Program that I feel has impacted my journey in life in so many positive, uplifting ways on my path to connecting deeper to Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Everyone in the group from speakers to classmates has brought so much wisdom, love, and inspiration, rooted in the very same mindset of healing, on so many unique levels.  As a rainbow blends with its neighboring color, I too felt blended with our purely magical cohesive group of lovely souls, because we are all in search of changing for the better on so many levels with no judgment, but unconditional support for each other. Thank- You from the bottom of my heart to you ALL.

Our journey in life is so beautifully conducted when we have this support and ongoing guidance. A huge thank-you to all the speakers that have opened my eyes to dive deeper and build my knowledge to better support and bring alive the pieces of wisdom that I had known, but had not yet implemented in my life. This class encouraged and supported me to make important changes in my daily life and the passion to share it with others in holistic work practice, with friends and family.

My “Golden Nuggets,” as Betsy would call them, were the encouragement and support we had to put into practice our daily habits that have paved a path to a better me.  This included; embracing even more of a raw food diet than I have already, consuming highly nutritional sprouts in my daily diet, growing my own magically healing Wheat Grass, implementing detoxing on so many levels, grounding myself in meditation, and embracing the richness of nature and its deliciousness to the body.

 Connecting and feeling nature’s vibrations flow through me, by just being open to its raw wisdom, as I stand barefoot amongst the dancing trees….remembering that we are ALL connected. May my Body, Mind, and Spirit blossom in the rooted wisdom I choose to nourish it with, woven with the colorful array of possibilities. Blessings and Love to you all and Thank-You from my Heart, Marni-Lee