There are few things more powerful than the community and when embracing an alternative lifestyle, the community is a huge key factor in how well one stays on the journey. ETT is an amazing community that I am so happy to have the opportunity to have joined. I have been living a raw food lifestyle since 2002 and have randomly helped so many people, I was overdue to find a coaching program that would help me to better help others in a cohesive way.  The very same day a dear friend sent me the link, I spontaneously joined the first class of the course just to see what it was about, thinking I would join the next round – I checked out the ETT website.  It was the combination of the energy from the class, the content outline, the mission of the course, and Betsy’s amazing personality and leadership… I was sold and made time in my schedule. Did it meet my objectives? not exactly…I thought I knew what I wanted in a course, but I let go of expectations and got sooo much more than I could have imagined. The well-researched content over the 10 weeks just kept me excited. The guest presenters, experts in their field, were all so very Knowledgeable and generous with their presentations and personal offerings. We often don’t know what we don’t know, I revisited areas of holistic living that I had barely touched and gained big learning curves…  such as a better understanding and importance of cellular movement.  I also really enjoyed the gift of partnering with a buddy. Darla was so lovely to connect with, our shares helped me think outside of the box and I continue to be inspired by the experience.  Betsy Brag has really outdone herself, in content, orchestration, and leadership skills with the ETT Course… and all with such humility. She not only does the hard work, but she also does the heart work. I feel very blessed to have the honor of calling her my teacher, mentor, and supportive friend. ‘When I grow up, I want to be just like Betsy’. and I am excited to share and pass the information on. One thing I would change is to start with the Healing Cancer Naturally class first. The priceless shares and lessons in this class touched me at my core and have me riveted on my quest to learn how to live a healthy life with ease and grace for the better good of all.